The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday


8:00 am Holy Communion (with distribution of palms and reading of the Passion according to Matthew)

10:15 am Holy Communion (with distribution of palms, hymns, choir, organ, and trumpet) - The double title of Palm Sunday in the Book of Common Prayer, “The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday,” well describes the liturgy of the day. The Liturgy of the Palms, with its triumphal procession, modulates into a penitential Eucharist dominated by the solemn proclamation of the Passion Gospel. The liturgy begins on the Front Circle, where the people gather and set out in procession into the church, carrying the palm branches in celebration of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Nursery Care: The Nursery on the lower level will be available for ages infant through 4 years old from 8:30 am to 11:45 am. All staff are vaccinated and boosted.

PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Sunday School on Palm Sunday.

The 10:15 am service is also livestreamed on Facebook and Vimeo, and is available on the St. John's website HERE later in the day.

Join the 10:15 am Livestream
Learn How to Make a Palm Cross

Wednesday in Holy Week


7:30 am Holy Communion


The Rev. Molly F. James, Ph.D, serves as interim General Convention executive officer, filling a vacancy created by the retirement of the Rev. Michael Barlowe. She previously served as dean of formation on the Connecticut bishop’s staff, and she has prior experience as chair of the Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons, and as a deputy to General Convention and legislative committee officer and chair. She has a doctorate in theology from the University of Exeter in England, a Master of Divinity degree from Yale Divinity School in Connecticut and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Tufts University in Massachusetts.

Maundy Thursday


6:00 pm Family Worship - A child-friendly service with foot washing remembering Jesus’ final meal with his disciples. Families with children of all ages will enjoy this interactive service in the Community Room (across from the Nursery). Come early for snacks from 5:30 to 6:00 pm.

7:00 pm Holy Communion and Institution of the Lord’s Supper (with hymns, choir, and organ) - The name Maundy Thursday is derived from the Latin mandatum, and refers to the new commandment (novum mandatum) in John 13:34. The liturgy celebrates the events of the Last Supper, and concludes with the reservation of the Sacrament and the stripping of the altar. The congregation leaves the darkened sanctuary in silence. Guest Preacher will be the Rev. Molly F. James, Ph.D.

The 7:00 pm service is also livestreamed on Facebook and Vimeo, and is available on the St. John's website HERE later in the day.

Join the 7:00 pm Livestream

Good Friday


12:00 pm Liturgy of Good Friday (with hymns, vocal quintet, and organ) - A simple service that incorporates a sung setting of the Passion according to the Gospel of John with a sermon and solemn prayers for the church and the world. The congregation arrives and leaves in silence. This service is also livestreamed on Facebook and Vimeo, and is available on the St. John's website HERE later in the day. Guest Preacher will be the Rev. Molly F. James, Ph.D.

Join the 12:00 pm Livestream

7:00 pm Joint Service of Tenebrae with the Clergy and Choir of St. Francis, Great Falls - Join us for this unique and reflective service.

Tenebrae (the Latin word for “darkness” or shadows”) has for centuries been applied to the ancient monastic night and early morning services of the last three days of Holy Week. As a sequence of readings and sung Psalms unfolds, candles and other lights in the church are gradually extinguished until a single candle, considered a symbol of Christ, remains. Toward the end of the service this candle is hidden, symbolizing the apparent victory of the forces of evil at the Crucifixion. At the very end, a loud noise (Strepitus) is made, symbolizing the earthquake at the time of the Resurrection. The hidden candle is then restored to its place, and by its light all depart in silence.

Holy Saturday


10:00 am Liturgy of Holy Saturday (Woodland Chapel) - A brief liturgy for Holy Saturday marks the time of waiting at the tomb with special prayers and lessons appropriate to the day. This service will be about 15 minutes. 

NOTE: Woodland Chapel is adjacent to Douglass Drive.

The Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Day


6:30 am Sunrise Service (Woodland Chapel) - A brief service that begins in the darkness of the early morning. The lighting of the New Fire and the Paschal candle will take place; the telling of the first Easter morning from the Gospel of John with a short meditation; prayers; and the singing of “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” accompanied by trumpet. Please be comfortable and dress for the weather. This service will be about 25 minutes.

7:30 am Holy Communion (with sermon, hymns, organ, brass quartet, and Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus)

9:00 am A Festive Service of Holy Communion (with sermon, hymns, choir, organ, and brass quartet)

11:15 am A Festive Service of Holy Communion (with sermon, hymns, choir, organ, and brass quartet)

The 9:00 am service is also livestreamed on Facebook and Vimeo, and is available on the St. John's website HERE later in the day.

Join the 9:00 am Livestream

Following the 9:00 service an Easter Egg Hunt will take place on the Great Lawn with refreshments for all ages on the Front Circle. All are invited to bring flowers from home to Flower the Cross throughout the morning. 

Nursery Care: The Nursery on the lower level will be available for ages 0–4 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. All staff are vaccinated and boosted.

The Second Sunday of Easter


8:00 am - Holy Communion

9:15 am - Sunday School

10:15 am - Youth Sunday and Sandwich Sunday

The 10:15 am service is also livestreamed on Facebook and Vimeo, and is available on the St. John's website HERE later in the day.

Join the 10:15 am Livestream
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