Regular Sunday Worship Schedule

  • 8:00 am - Holy Communion
  • 9:15 am - Sunday School and Sunday Forum
  • 10:15 am - Holy Communion (with Children's Chapel)

The Nursery on the lower level is available for ages 0–4 on Sunday from 9:15  to 11:30 pm. All staff are vaccinated and boosted.

The 10:15 am service is also livestreamed on Facebook and Vimeo. The recorded service is available HERE later in the day.

Lenten Wednesday Holy Communion

Wednesday, March 12, 26; April 2, 9, and 16 at 7:30 am

During Lent, begin your Wednesday with this abbreviated service. Coffee and light refreshments will be available in Shears Hall after the service. NOTE: There will be no service on March 19.

Worship Server Schedules:

February thru March, 2025

Palm Sunday, Holy Week, & Easter Details

Children’s Chapel

While we love to have children in church, sometimes they need space to wiggle, make noise, and pray for macaroni and cheese and their pets. At the 10:15 am service, after the Children’s Sermon children are invited to leave to have their own church experience.

In Children's Chapel we do the same things that adults are doing in church, but at a developmentally appropriate level for children. We will talk about the Gospel, pray our own Creed or statement of beliefs. Prayers of the People give us a chance to pray for families, teachers, pets, friends, people we find it hard to be friends with, and even our favorite foods.

We end our time with a confession of sins and asking God to help us to do better when we don’t do everything we’re supposed to. We re-join our families at the Peace.

Sandwich Sunday

The fourth Sunday of the month is Sandwich Sunday, when following each service, all hands, large and small are welcome to join us in Shears Hall to assemble sandwiches for Martha's Table.

The Woodland Chapel

Our outdoor Woodland Chapel is located at the church entrance just off Douglass Drive. Parking is available at the back of the church. (click image to enlarge)

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