Wednesday, March 26 at 7:00 pm on Zoom

With constantly shifting communications and expectations, those who give their working lives to support our government are under a great deal of strain. Rev. Josh and Rev. Andrew are working to create space for support, reflection, and prayer as we move through this complex moment. Have questions? Please reach out to Rev. Andrew Moore or Rev. Josh Walters. For the Zoom link, contact the Parish Office.

Lenten Sunday Forum: Our Favorite Heresies, or Theology 101

Sunday, March 9, 16, and 30 at 9:15 am in Shears Hall

Who is God? How do we understand Jesus as both human and divine? What is the Trinity and its relationship to the church? What is the line between orthodoxy and heresy? Join us for this series of Sunday morning Forums exploring the key questions of our theology and the debates that shaped them through the lens of the heresies and controversies of church history.

More Adult Education Opportunities


Men in Faith (MIF)

Monday, March 31 at 6:30 pm (at the home of parishioner Greg Stayin)

We are in the process of reconstituting and reorganizing a Men’s Group—Men in Faith (MIF). The primary focus will be on fellowship, friendship, and building community. Expected activities would include book reviews, personal and workplace seminars, and social/sporting events. Our first meeting will at the home of parishioner Greg Stayin (1226 Earnestine St., McLean, VA 22101). Please RSVP HERE.

Youth Movie Night

Sunday, April 6 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm in Shears Hall

Open to youth in grades 5–12! Join us for dinner and a movie! We’ll vote on what movie to watch from a list of movies. While we watch we’ll stuff eggs for our Easter Egg Hunt and prepare care packages for our students in college and boarding school.

Women in Faith (WIF)

Tuesday, April 8 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm in Brooks Library

WIF is a group of St. John’s women who meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. We have a different topic each month, usually with some thought-provoking discussion questions to stimulate curiosity and creativity. And snacks! In April our topic will be “Rituals and Why we Love Them.” The seasons of Lent and Easter are filled with rituals that have either been given to us by the church or we have developed on our own, and they deepen and enhance our faith. This meeting will give us an opportunity to share the rituals we love best and why, as well as explore the history of some of the more well-known rituals of the season. All women are welcome! Questions? Please contact womensgroup@stjohnsmclean.org.

Caring Close Knit Crafters (CCKC)

2nd Thursday of the month at 10:30 am in Smoot Conference Room

Are you a knitter, sewer, crocheter, or a crafter? Or do you have hopes to become one? Knitters, crocheters, sewers, and crafters of all sorts, gather on the 2nd Thursday of each month, sharing creative ideas and inspiration. Join them to share your gifts, to be inspired, and to inspire others. Bring a friend! Questions? Contact the Parish Office or Martha High.

Palm Sunday, Holy Week, & Easter Details

Photo Gallery

Ash Wednesday, 2025

Christmas Eve, 2024

Kickoff Sunday on September 8, 2024

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