St. John's Church uses its human and financial resources to support local outreach organizations including Martha's Table, BRAWS, Homestretch, Share of McLean, Second Story, and Habitat for Humanity.

Drive of the Month
Month-long drives to collect needed items for local social service groups are a long tradition at St. John’s. Recipient groups are identified by the Missions Committee or suggested by parishioners. Items collected might be school supplies for needy students; clothing and toiletries for our youth to take on their annual NYC mission trip; cellphones to help victims of abuse; Christmas stockings for the Salvation Army. These drives are a way for parishioners to share gifts in kind with those who can benefit from extra support. Learn more.

Sandwich Sunday

On the fourth Sunday of the month, following each service, all hands, large and small are welcome to join us in Shears Hall to assemble sandwiches for Martha's Table . Join in the fellowship of making over 700 sandwiches in a very short time. Want to help set up? Join us in Shears Hall after the 8:00 am service.

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity is supported by volunteers and by periodic donations to special offerings, at St. John’s Church as part of the McLean Interfaith Coalition. Volunteers assist in building or renovating homes and apartments with supervision by qualified Habitat for Humanity leaders. Volunteers must be at least sixteen years old. For more information, contact Fred Haynes through the Parish Office, 703-356-4902.

SHARE, Inc. is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization of about 20 McLean-area churches, synagogues and civic groups, as well as individuals. The organization provides food, clothing, furniture, and selected financial assistance to meet the immediate and emergency needs of families and individuals in McLean, Great Falls and Pimmit Hills.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (AA) meets at St. John’s Monday through Thursday at noon in the St. John's Community Room (the former Children’s Chapel on the lower level; enter through the back door adjacent to the playground). A new Men’s Meeting has started on Thursday’s at 7:00 pm. Additionally, there is a meeting every Friday at 8:30 pm in the Shears Hall, or if the weather’s good, just outside. If you need help or just want to explore, everyone is welcome. Just turn up! You can also call the Northern Virginia AA Intergroup hotline at 703-293-9753 or visit nvintergroup.org, for other group listings. 

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