Register your kids for all Children and Youth activities and programming at St. John's.

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Worship Server Schedules:

February thru March, 2025

PLEASE NOTE: Confirmation class with lunch happens monthly after the 10:15 am service. Attendance is necessary for youth who would like to be confirmed in May. Questions? Please contact Sally Benton.

Youth Movie Night

Sunday, April 6 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm in Shears Hall

Open to youth in grades 5–12! Join us for dinner and a movie! We’ll vote on what movie to watch from a list of movies. While we watch we’ll stuff eggs for our Easter Egg Hunt and prepare care packages for our students in college and boarding school.

Maundy Thursday Family Worship

Maundy Thursday, April 17 :at 6:00 pm

Families with children of all ages will enjoy this interactive, child-friendly service with foot washing and remembering Jesus’ final meal with his Disciples. Join us in the Community Room (across from the Nursery). Come early for snacks from 5:30 to 6:00 pm.

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Sunday, April 20 following the 9:00 am service

Following the 9:00 service an Easter Egg Hunt will take place on the Great Lawn with refreshments for all ages on the Front Circle.

Palm Sunday, Holy Week, & Easter Details

Make Sandwiches for Martha's Table

4th Sunday of the month, starting after the 8:00 am service until fellowship following the 10:15 am service

On the fourth Sunday of the month, following each service, all hands, large and small are welcome to join us in Shears Hall to assemble sandwiches for Martha's Table.

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