Register your kids for all Children and Youth activities and programming at St. John's.

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Maundy Thursday Family Worship

Maundy Thursday, April 17 :at 6:00 pm

Families with children of all ages will enjoy this interactive, child-friendly service with foot washing and remembering Jesus’ final meal with his Disciples. Join us in the Community Room (across from the Nursery). Come early for snacks from 5:30 to 6:00 pm.

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Sunday, April 20 following the 9:00 am service

Following the 9:00 service an Easter Egg Hunt will take place on the Great Lawn with refreshments for all ages on the Front Circle.

Palm Sunday, Holy Week, & Easter Details

Children’s Chapel

While we love to have children in church, sometimes they need space to wiggle, make noise, and pray for macaroni and cheese and their pets. At the 10:15 am service, after the Children’s Sermon children are invited to leave to have their own church experience.

In Children's Chapel we do the same things that adults are doing in church, but at a developmentally appropriate level for children. We will talk about the Gospel, pray our own Creed or statement of beliefs. Prayers of the People give us a chance to pray for families, teachers, pets, friends, people we find it hard to be friends with, and even our favorite foods.

We end our time with a confession of sins and asking God to help us to do better when we don’t do everything we’re supposed to. We re-join our families at the Peace.

Book Wishlist for Children

We are updating our children’s materials and would love your help. Family Ministries has put together a wishlist of books that we would love to have available for reading during church. 

f you would like to donate a book or two from the list HERE, we will put them out to be enjoyed by our children. You can order and ship directly through Amazon or you can drop them by the Parish Office any time in September. Thank you!

Make Sandwiches For Martha's Table

4th Sunday of the month, starting after the 8:00 am service until fellowship following the 10:15 am service

On the fourth Sunday of the month, following each service, all hands, large and small are welcome to join us in Shears Hall to assemble sandwiches for Martha's Table.

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