Summer Bible Study Starts June 19

Sunday Mornings

9:30–10:15 am in the Smoot Conference Room

For nine Sundays this summer we will explore the Book of Acts, reviewing an important period in the Church’s history and Paul’s missionary trips to spread the good news. We are reviving our tradition of lay volunteers as discussion leaders. Have questions? Please contact Kevin Swanson or Rodney Page. Come join us for one, some, or all of the sessions.

Outline and Study Plan:

  • June 19: Introduction to The Acts of the Apostles - An overview of the book, the author, and its place in the New Testament; the Ascension of Jesus, and the promise of the Holy Spirit: Acts chapter 1. (Lay discussion leaders: Kevin Swanson and Rodney Page)
  • June 26: Holy Spirit’s Heyday - The early converts; the Day of Pentecost; Peter proclaims the nature of salvation: Acts 2–3. (Lay discussion leaders: Kevin Swanson and Rodney Page)
  • July 3: Persecution Begins - Church formation; Ananias and Sapphira: Acts 4–6. (Lay discussion leader Mark Haskell)
  • July 10: Martyrdom and Persecution - Stephen’s sermon and death; Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch; the conversion of Saul: Acts 7–9. (Lay discussion leader John Barkmeyer)
  • July 17: Jews and Gentiles - Peter and Cornelius; the church in Antioch: Acts 10–12. (Lay discussion leader Kim Clark-Pakstys)
  • July 24: Paul and Barnabas - A missionary trip; the Council in Jerusalem: Acts 13–15. (Lay discussion leader Jame Aiello)
  • July 31: Adventures of Paul, Part One - Silas and Paul in prison; travels to Thessalonica, Athens, Corinth: Acts 16–20. (Lay discussion leader Ron Alexander)
  • August 7: Adventures of Paul, Part Two - Paul meets James in Jerusalem; Paul held in custody: Acts 21–26. (Lay discussion leader Mike Murphy)
  • August 14: Paul’s Journey to Rome - A shipwreck; Paul in Rome: Acts 27–28. (Lay discussion leader Betsy Howell)

Tuesday, April 19; 7:00–8:00 pm on Zoom

If Beale Street Could Talk is a searing love story by James Baldwin that speaks about a young couple in Harlem in the early 1970s who face injustice. Widely read now for almost fifty years, we will discuss the humor and hope Baldwin offers us and why this novel still speaks to us.

A movie was created in 2018 based on the book. If you choose to see the movie, we recommend first reading the book.

The Zoom information will be provided here closer to the event.

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